朱琼干,1985年出生,安徽桐城人,讲师。 2014年毕业于同济学,获理学博士学位。主要从事机器学习、非厄米光波导调控、光学连续域束缚态等领域的研究。参与973 重点基础研究专项基金和国家自然科学基金项目一项,主持山西省科技创新项目一项。
[1] Qiong Gan Zhu, Li Chen Chai and Hai Lu: Novel transmission property of Zero-Index Metamaterial waveguide doped with gain and lossy defects.CPB,10,(2023).
[2] Qiong Gan Zhu and Zhi Guo Wang:The Green's function method for metal-dielectric-metal SPP waveguide network. EPL, 103, 17004 (2013).
[3] Qiong Gan Zhu, Wei Tan and Zhi Guo Wang: The combined effect of side-coupled gain cavity and lossy cavity on the plasmonic response of MDM SPP waveguide. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,26, 255301 (2014).
[4] Qiong Gan Zhu and Zhi Guo Wang: The coexistence of surface magnetoplasmons (SMPs) and bulk magnetoplasmons (BMPs) in SIS waveguide with the Voigt configuration magnetization. EPL 114, 45003 (2016).
[5] Hong Chao Liu, Wei Jie Kong, Qiong Gan Zhu, Yun Zheng. Ke Sheng Shen, Jun Zhang and Hai Lu: Plasmonic interference lithography by coupling the bulk plasmon polariton mode and the waveguide mode. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53,135103 (2020).