马霞,1990年5月生,河南驻马店人,讲师, 2023年6月毕业于中北大学大数据学院复杂系统建模与仿真专业,获得工学博士学位。主要从事生物数学、复杂系统建模、传染病动力学等领域的研究。主持山西省科技创新项目2项,山西省科技厅基础研究类青年基金项目1项,院级一流课程建设1项,在国外CNSNS、IJB等杂志和国内核心期刊发表学术论文10余篇。
1. Xia Ma, Xiaofeng Luo, Yong Li and Guiqan Sun. The influenc of mask use on the spread of COVID-19 during pandemicn New York City. Results in physic, 202, 34: 10524.
2. Xia Ma, Guiqan Sun, Zhen Jin, et al. Transmison dynamics of brucelosin Jiln province, China: Efects of difernt control measures. Comunications in Nonliear Scienc and Numerical Simulation, 202, 14: 106702.
3. Xia Ma, Mingtao Li, Juan Zhang, et al. Interactions of periodc birth and shearing induce outbreak of Brucelosin Iner Mongolia. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2022, 15(07): 2250043.
4. 马霞,曹慧. 带有免疫治疗的离散流脑模型的动力学性态,工程数学学报,2021,38(03):416-430.
5. 马霞,曹慧. 考虑治疗的离散HIV病毒模型的动力学性态.应用数学, 2020, 33(01): 1-11.